SUPReMM Open XDMoD module Upgrade Guide

General Upgrade Notes

The SUPReMM Open XDMoD module should be upgraded at the same time as the main XDMoD software. The upgrade procedure is documented on the XDMoD upgrade page.

7.5.0 to 7.5.1 Upgrade Notes

This upgrade includes a single bug fix that runs acl-config during the database setup. If you have 7.5.0 successfully installed and ran acl-config manually then upgrading to 7.5.1 is not necessary. If you are upgrading to Open XDMoD 7.0.0 to 7.5.0 then this module may be upgraded directly from 7.0.0 to 7.5.1.

7.0.0 to 7.5.0 Upgrade Notes

For RPM based installs, the file permissions of the XDMoD configuration files is changed to only permit access for the xdmod user account.

If you have configured the summarization scripts to read the database access credentials directly from the XDMoD configuration files then you must run the scripts with a user account that has appropriate has access permissions for these files. For an RPM based install, the xdmod user account has the correct permission.

6.6.0 to 7.0.0 Upgrade Notes

  • This upgrade includes config file format changes.
    • New versions of supremm_resources.json no longer require a collection to be specified for each resource. The appropriate MongoDB collection will be determined using the resource_id. Existing supremm_resources.json files that specify a collection will continue to work as in previous versions. No changes are necessary for configurations that are compatible with previous versions.

6.5.0 to 6.6.0 Upgrade Notes

  • This upgrade includes database schema changes.
    • Modifies modw_supremm schema.

6.0.0 to 6.5.0 Upgrade Notes

Important Note: This update adds a dependency to npm. If you are updating an existing installation via RPM, you will need to reinstall npm dependencies afterward. To do this, run the commands below.

# Assuming XDMoD's share directory is RPM default "/usr/share/xdmod"

cd /usr/share/xdmod/etl/js
npm install
  • This upgrade includes database schema changes.
    • Modifies modw_supremm schema.
    • Modifies modw_aggregates schema.

5.6.0 to 6.0.0 Upgrade Notes

  • This upgrade includes config file format changes.
    • Adds an additional option to portal_settings.d/supremm.ini to specify the schema definition file for the SUPReMM realm.