Software Requirements

The SUPReMM Open XDMoD module requires all of the software for Open XDMoD and the following additional packages:

Linux Distribution Packages

The Open XDMoD SUPReMM module can be run on most recent Linux distributions, but has been tested on CentOS 6 and Centos 7.

The SUPReMM module requirements can be met using packages from the EPEL repository.

CentOS 6 / Centos 7

NOTE: The package list below includes packages included with EPEL. This repository can be added with this command for CentOS:

# yum install epel-release

Install the required dependencies:

# yum install nodejs npm php-pecl-mongo

Additional Notes


NOTE: The webserver is not able to communicate with mongodb with the default CentOS SELinux security policy. The following command allows the webserver to communicate over network:

# setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1