Install → Job Performance module
The Job Performance (SUPReMM) XDMoD module should be installed on an existing XDMoD instance. The XDMoD instance must have job accounting data shredded and ingested and present in the UI. Do not begin the configuration steps until the accounting data is loaded into XDMoD. See the main XDMoD documentation for instructions on installing and configuring XDMoD.
If you have a previous version of the SUPReMM module installed, then follow the instructions in the Upgrade Guide.
RPM Installation
An RPM package for Centos 7 is available for download.
# yum install xdmod-supremm-10.0.0-1.0.noarch.rpm
Source Installation
The Job Performance (SUPReMM) XDMoD module requires all of the software for XDMoD and the following additional packages:
- PHP MongoClient
- nodejs 16.13.2
$ tar zxvf xdmod-supremm-10.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd xdmod-supremm-10.0.0
# ./install -prefix=/opt/xdmod
NOTE: The installation prefix must be the same as your existing Open
XDMoD installation. These instructions assume you have already installed
Open XDMoD in /opt/xdmod
Additional Notes
NOTE: The webserver is not able to communicate with MongoDB with the default CentOS SELinux security policy. The following command allows the webserver to communicate over network:
# setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
Configure SUPReMM module
After installing the XDMoD module it must be configured following the instructions in the Job Performance (SUPReMM) XDMoD Module Configuration Guide.