Software Requirements

The SUPReMM job level summarization software requires the following packages:

The data generated by the software is stored in a MongoDB instance. See the MongoDB install instructions for details on this.

Linux Distribution Packages

The SUPReMM summarization software can be run on any Linux distribution, but has been tested on Centos 6 and CentOS 7.

For Centos, the software requirements can be met using packages from the EPEL repository and using the packages provided by the PCP project.

The PCP project dependencies can be setup using the instructions on their package site under the “Set Me Up” link.

NOTE: The package lists below includes packages included with EPEL. This repository can be added with this command for CentOS:

# yum install epel-release

CentOS 6

Install the required dependencies:

# yum install python-backport_collections python-pymongo numpy scipy MySQL-python pcp-libs pcp

CentOS 7

Install the required dependencies:

# yum install python-pymongo numpy scipy MySQL-python pcp-libs pcp